Community Impact

We will make any destination available for anyone to experience no matter their abilities.
Our trips can include rugged back country hiking, exhilarating zip-treks through the trees, scenic kayak excursions, and everything in between. Our trips make the most incredible locations accessible and enjoyable for anyone.
Thoughts from a spouse of a participant…
Severe depression lifted. Lots of hugs and kisses and plans for the future. I have my husband back! He has not wiped the smile off his face. Heartfelt thank you to all of you. You really do change lives!
Once again, I’ve got to give my love to your program. Yes some things were crazy hard, I might of even said a few f bombs randomly, but things like going swimming (always used to be at the beach dt), going kayaking (which I so loved), and going on a hike. So good for the soul. All of this happened because other people put THEIR souls into it. The result is lots of happiness. Thanks again to whoever was there…Ty for taking the time for people like me:)
I have done a couple trips with CRIS before and had an amazing time….As an individual with limited mobility, I am constantly cold! I was worried that my poor circulation would make an outdoor trip extremely uncomfortable and unenjoyable but the staff did a great job of calming my fears by planning to supply the appropriate equipment so that I would be comfortable, regardless of the weather conditions….The staff that Adaptive Travel have shown me that with the right people and enough will, virtually any outdoor adventure is possible.
It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me and I’m really grateful. Your leadership and expertise was impressive and the magnitude of the climb was not something I anticipated. I still have trouble getting my hands around the fact that I went to the top and bottom of that area. Not my definition of a hike, which made it really cool. Again, as an adventure, it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
But the experience itself isnt what has me so speechless; I’m going to try to articulate it, though. I am a 56 year old professional man. I have been in high profile situations my entire life. That has afforded me opportunities to see and do amazing things. I’ve traveled the world, met two presidents, be in the middle of crazy fun events, and more. I have lived a full and productive lif; I’m not the old guy in a wheelchair who sits home all day waiting by the window. But still, you rocked my world. The idea that you have created this experience for people like me is jaw dropping. You and your organization thought about providing this for people like me and it has beyond my belief.
Finally, on a Saturday morning, 6 people I’ve never met got up and drug my big ass for a 5k hike/climb in what had to be challenging conditions for 5 hours. . That is one of the largest single acts of kindness I’ve ever received. For that, I’ll never forget any of you.